First release!

Hello everyone on!

I am a noob developer and this is my first offering... Manic Dungeon!

This is the result of many tutorials, trials (and errors) and a fair amount of the code equivalent of duct tape and cable ties.  I first released this on Google PlayStore for Android in Q1 of 2024 and have released a few updates (and completely re-wrote it a couple of times).

The theme is based on the minecraft server that I used to run with Ladyhawk - the first three playable characters are based on the skins of the three moderators (Krowerom, Ladyhawk and Muddle).

In this latest version, I've had to take OUT a feature - I had a 'Global HighScore' working in Unity 2021, but since updating to Unity 2022 the functionality to read/write to a web form connected to a database has been changed (my website does not have a SSL certificate, which I have tried to figure out to no avail), so my friend and chief tester Leandro's high score of 1,306 will stand for a while.

I sincerely hope you enjoy the fruits of my little project :)


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